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Waitlist a Reservation

If your preferred hotel is not available for all of the nights that you need, we encourage you to make a reservation based on current availability and waitlist for the additional nights. You can also make a reservation at a hotel that has availability for the nights that you need and waitlist to be moved to a different hotel. To access the NATA Housing waiting list, you must have a confirmed reservation.

The availability shown at each hotel is based on the arrival date of June 21, 2023 and departure date of June, 24, 2023. To determine if a hotel has availability for a longer stay, change the default arrival and departure dates at the top of the page and the availability at each hotel will update accordingly. If your preferred hotel does not have all of your required dates available and you would like to utilize the waiting list, you have 2 options:

Option 1: Confirm a reservation at your preferred hotel for the nights that are available, then in a separate step, add your reservation to the waiting list for the additional nights.
Option 2: Confirm a reservation at a hotel that has availability for the nights that you need, then in a separate step, add your reservation to the waiting list to move to your desired hotel (or up to 3 other hotels).

Adding your reservation to the waiting list

Need to request additional nights at your confirmed hotel? Follow these steps:
  1. On the NATA Housing website, log in to access your reservation by entering your confirmation number, email address, and zip or postal code exactly as shown on your confirmation.
  2. Select Change Reservation, then OK to proceed.
  3. On the hotel list page, select your desired arrival and departure dates.
  4. Next to your confirmed hotel, Continue will change to Waitlist.
  5. Select Waitlist, and on the following page, confirm your desired arrival and departure dates.
  6. If you would like to remain at the same hotel, select Submit to complete your request.
  7. If you’d also like your reservation waitlisted to move to a different hotel, use the dropdowns to enter your desired choice(s), then select Submit to complete your request.
  8. You will receive an email to confirm the details of your waiting list request.

NATA Housing will contact your desired hotel to request the additional nights. If the hotel has availability, the additional nights will be added to your reservation and an updated email confirmation will be sent to you. If the hotel does not have availability, your reservation will not be changed until another meeting participant shortens their stay or cancels their reservation.

Need to waitlist to move to a different hotel? Follow these steps:
  1. On the NATA Housing website, log in to access your reservation by entering your confirmation number, email address, and zip or postal code exactly as shown on your confirmation.
  2. Select Change Reservation, then OK to proceed.
  3. On the hotel list page next to your confirmed hotel will be a Continue button. To activate the waiting list functionality and change Continue to Waitlist, adjust the dates at the top of the page to an earlier arrival and/or later departure (don’t worry – you will confirm your correct arrival and departure dates on the next page).
  4. Select Waitlist, and on the following page, confirm your desired arrival and departure dates. Make sure that they match your confirmed arrival and departure dates (unless you are requesting additional nights).
  5. Use the dropdowns to enter your desired hotel choice(s), then select Submit to complete your request.
  6. You will receive an email to confirm the details of your waiting list request.

NATA Housing will contact your desired hotel to request the additional room and/or nights. If the hotel has availability, your reservation will be moved to your requested hotel and an updated email confirmation will be sent to you. If the hotel does not have availability, your reservation will not be changed until another meeting participant shortens their stay or cancels their reservation.

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